HRCH Riptide's King in the North MH
2016 Retriever Hall of Fame
HRCH Flatwood's Preacher Man MH MNH3 x HR Owasco Valley's Blazin' Red Hot Chili Roux (Kiedis)
2016 Retriever Hall of Fame
5x GRHRCH UH GMPR Blackpowder's Blazing Red Flame MH MNH3 QAA &
HR Owasco Valley's Delta Shadow Mayhem JH (Flame & Delta)
HRCH Flatwood's Preacher Man MH MNH3 x HR Owasco Valley's Blazin' Red Hot Chili Roux (Kiedis)
GRHRCH Cripins This Is It Finis MH MNH3QAA
GRHRCH Cripins This Is It Finis MH MNH3QAA x HRCH Owasco Valley's Delta Shadow Mayhem JH
CH Pacahangas Mr Tibbs from Chester MH (Chester)
Copyright 2009-2025. Charles & Lorri Whiteman. All rights reserved.
HRCH Riptide's King in the North MH (Stark) x SHR Owasco Valley's Tirana Duck Nut (Tira)
All chocolate litter with hunt test, field trial and hunting potential. All health certifications are available. Whelped on 12/23/23
HRCH UH Harness Creek's Leroy Brown MH x SHR Owasco Valley's Carbon Copy Contrail (Vapor)
All chocolate litter with hunt test, field trial and hunting potential. All health certifications are available.
2016 Retriever Hall of Fame
HRCH Flatwood's Preacher Man MH MNH3 x HR Owasco Valley's Blazin' Red Hot Chili Roux (Kiedis)